Plastic Surgery

Breast Lift in Turkey

Breast Lift in Turkey

What is Breast Lift in Turkey?

Breast lifting is technically like reduction surgery. The breasts are drooping, but because they are not large, there is no need for tissue removal. With the sagging of the breast, it is either in normal size or emptied.

As a result of weight loss, breastfeeding or aging, the breast tissue may lose its volume. With breast lift surgery, it is possible to correct the appearance of sagging breasts that have lost their vitality. If the breast tissue does not have a sufficient volume, breast augmentation surgery may not be sufficient for sagging breasts. Surgical sagging is removed, but it does not add volume to the breast. In such cases, breast lifting, and augmentation surgery can be applied together.

In the breast lift operation, technically overextended excess skin is removed. The areola is reduced to its normal size by reducing its diameter. The nipple is positioned where it belongs.

Before Breast Lift Operation

At the first meeting before breast lift surgery, the patient's complaints are carefully listened to, and expectations are clearly understood. Then, their needs and expectations from the surgery are evaluated in terms of reality. During the physical examination, the breasts are examined, and necessary measurements are made while the patient is sitting or standing. Factors such as age, skin condition, shape and size of the breasts that may affect the breast lift procedure are evaluated.

Depending on the patient's age and family history, mammography may be required before breast lift surgery. The patient is instructed on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines for eating, smoking, and avoiding certain vitamins/medications.

After Breast Lift Operation

The process after breast lift surgery can directly affect the success of the surgery. The success of your breast lift surgery depends not only on the surgery itself, but also on how well you prepare for the surgery and how well you take care of yourself afterwards.

It is very important that you follow your surgeon's breast lift recovery tips exactly from the day before your surgery to 6 weeks after your procedure. From what you wear to what you eat to how much exercise you do, you will need to take different precautions at each stage of the recovery process. It may help to stick a breast lift recovery time guide on your desk or other frequently visited places to remind you of what to expect at each stage. Of course, you should fine-tune your recovery program based on your doctor's professional instructions about what to expect.

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Healing Stages

To feel less pain and get more effective results after breast lift surgery, the rules must be followed.

2 weeks before surgery

Quit smoking, do not use aspirin, ibuprofen, herbal supplements, fish oil, or any medication that may increase the risk of bleeding. Purchase supplies you may need after surgery (ice packs, gauze, sports bra). Report any signs of illness. Medical history may require medical clearance such as lab work, mammogram, or EKG before surgery.

The day before surgery

Confirm your surgery time and transportation. Fill prescriptions. The night before the surgery Prior to surgery, fast for 12 hours without eating or drinking anything. Shower, relax, go to bed early and try to get at least seven hours of sleep.

2-3 Days After Surgery

Many women may experience mild to moderate pain in the days following their procedure and this can be managed with prescribed medication. Nausea from the anesthesia used during the procedure is also common, but typically subsides without intervention. Surgical dressings and used drains are usually removed by the surgeon within this time frame. However, many surgeons will advise their patients to continue using surgical bras and compression bandages to protect the incision sites. Until the 2nd or 3rd day, many patients will be able to take a shower. The first 2 weeks after breast lift surgery is very important.

1 Week After the Surgery

While pain levels are usually significantly reduced, moderate bruising and swelling of the breasts may persist. Many patients are competent to return to work and do light daily activities, including walking. However, patients should avoid bending over, lifting heavy objects, and other strenuous movements.

2 Weeks After Surgery

Most patients begin to feel normal and can carry out their daily activities without pain. Exercise or strenuous activity should still be avoided. The incisions typically heal completely in around 2 weeks and patients can be cleaned to take a bath.

4 Weeks After Surgery

Most patients recover enough to resume their normal exercise routine (however, exercises and activities that specifically target the chest, such as golf, tennis, etc., should be avoided).

6 Weeks After Surgery

The 6-week point usually indicates that the healing process is complete, as most of the bruising and swelling of the breasts has subsided. Most patients can exercise without restrictions, sleep on their tummy and side, and wearing underwire bras is allowed.

Pain Management

The process after breast lift surgery can be quite painful for some patients. Most patients report experiencing mild to moderate pain following the breast lift procedure. Pain is typically highest in the first 2-3 days following the procedure and then subsides. Your surgeon may prescribe pain medication to relieve any discomfort the patient is experiencing. Note that many surgeons do not recommend taking over the counter, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen after the procedure, as they can increase bleeding.

Nipple Numbness

Post-breast lift surgery can be a period of increased sensitivity due to the operation. In the weeks immediately after the procedure, nipple sensation often increases and returns to normal.


Although the process after breast lift surgery is frustrating due to scars, the scars can usually be covered. Breast lift surgery may cause scarring, the extent and location of which depend on the type of breast lift technique applied. In some cases, incisions may be placed in low-visibility areas, such as around the areola line or under the breast crease. Additionally, there are several non-surgical cosmetic treatments that can be applied to minimize the appearance of any scars that appear.

Tips for Fast and Easy Healing

The process after breast lift surgery is important in the success of the treatment and in the prevention of side effects. Follow all post-procedure care instructions provided by your plastic surgeon. Take pain medications, antibiotics, and other prescriptions as prescribed by your surgeon. Attend all scheduled post-operative appointments. Avoid showering or bathing until confirmed. Wear all recommended compression garments or surgical bras. Plan to take 1-2 weeks rest.

Get lots of rest and sleep. Drink plenty of water during the recovery period. Eat light and healthy foods following your procedure. Avoid touching or removing bandages from incisions, as this can reopen your wounds. Wear loose clothing, especially tops that don't require you to lift your arms to put them on. Avoid sleeping on your stomach or side for 6 weeks following your procedure. Patients are advised to sleep with their heads under 2-3 pillows to reduce pain and swelling. Limit any form of vigorous exercise, including physical movements that cause the breasts to bounce (such as running or jumping) until fully recovered.

It is important to understand that your recovery experience may differ from the information presented here due to various factors such as your pain tolerance and your body's healing response during the post-lift surgery period. Variables specific to the procedure, such as the breast lift technique, also play a role in recovery. Finally, patients who combine a breast lift with other surgical procedures (such as a breast augmentation or breast reduction procedure) may require a longer recovery time.

Caring for a Breast Lift Can Make Your Recovery Time Easier

You may need help during the post-breast lift surgery process. Breast lift surgery is certainly manageable, but presents many challenges along the way, including pain, limited range of motion, wound protection, and others. Getting through the recovery process on your own will be difficult, so it's important that you plan to receive the best care possible during your recovery. Either ask close friends or family members to travel with you to Istanbul and assist you in the first few days of recovery.

Breast Lift in Turkey



Duration of treatment

2-4 Hours

Stay in Istanbul

7 Days

Socially acceptable

10+ Days

Breast Lift Cost in Turkey

All inclusive package
  • Free consultation
  • 5 nights in a 5 star hotel in Istanbul
  • Pre/post-operative testing
  • Cost for laboratory
  • Medication and Equipment
  • All round VIP transfer
  • 7/24 Support
  • Assistants speak English

Request Information
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Application Process

Complete the Form

To contact us, you need to fill out the form first.

Free Consultation

After completing the form, our expert health consultants will contact you as soon as possible.

Send a Photo

Our expert health consultants will ask for your photos to show to the doctor.


After examining the photos, your doctor will decide whether you are suitable for the operation and your operation process will be planned.

Breast Lift in Turkey FAQ

If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

It is important to be in Istanbul a few days before the operation. By this way, you can have all your examinations at once and mentally prepare yourself for the procedure.


Your recovery will take 3 to 7 days after the surgery. So at least making a 7-days-planned trip is a must.  After 2 days of your operation, you can take a tour around Istanbul.


There will be moderate pain. But right after the operation, you will begin to use medication to ease the pain.


A surgical or medical bra will be needed for about 2 weeks after the surgery.


You will need to wear loose clothing after the operation. You need to not move your arms up.


  • Have a lab test or medical evaluation performed.
  • Take particular medications or adjust the dosage of those you already take.
  • To assist identify any potential changes in your breast tissue, get a baseline mammogram before surgery and another one thereafter.
  • Give up smoking.

After the operation, you must not take a shower for 48 hours. After 48 hours it would be better to wash just under your waist. When your drains are out, it is again important not to get a shower for 48 hours.


For about 10 days, you should not lift your arms, do sports, or carry anything heavy.


You need to sleep on your back, wear your medical bra, and avoid sleeping on your tummy or face.


Once an hour, you can take short walks at home around the room.


Breast lift scars are permanent and most obvious right after surgery; however, they do tend to lighten and disappear with time. The degree of fading is influenced by a variety of variables, including heredity, skin tone, incisions, wound healing prowess, and general patient health.


After six months, you can go braless!