Hair Loss Reasons

Hair loss is an important matter. That is why people generally become worried when there are experiencing hair loss. On healthy hairy skin, there is approximately 100 thousand hair. Showering and combing the hair can cause one to lose 100-150 hair strands in a day. If there is more than that, then it may be identified as a problem. The main reasons are:

  • Genetic factors
  • Androgenetic alopecia
  • Thyroid
  • Pregnancy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Telegon effluvium
  • Dermatological diseases
  • Psychological reasons

Genetic Factors of Hair Loss

The reasons for hair fall in men and women are different. Genetic hair loss or testosterone hair loss is generally observed in men. These are generally chronic and with increasing age, baldness problems occur and may need a hair transplant. Experts recommend mesotherapy the baldness cure and hair growth.

In women, also genetic factors occur. Nowadays young women between 16-18 experience teenage hair loss as young men. The reason for this fact is; high stress, being hungry for a long time, malnutrition, and also hormonal reason. Hair fall on women is also controllable as hair falls on men.

Androgenetic Alopecia

The most common reason for hair falling out androgenetic alopecia. People generally experience this kind of problem, temporal sides and at the top of the head. Therefore appearance may become a matter for them.

In women, androgenetic alopecia happens due to hormonal reasons.


If the thyroid gland works low or high, it is also may be one of the causes of hair fall. Treatment of this problem will be also the hair fall treatment.

Pregnancy Hair Loss

It is the post-partum hair loss that begins 2-3 months after the pregnancy. The hairs which needed to fall during the pregnancy may sometimes run down in the post-partum period altogether. An expert help will solve the matter.


Chemotherapy is also another reason for hair loss. Lately, with the help of the modern medicine sector, hair fall control became easier.

Hair Loss Reasons

Hair Loss Due To Telegon Effluvium

For this reason, the hair begins to fall into the phase of telogen (resting phase). In this phase, the falling may be a handful.

It is a temporal problem, the main reasons for this are hyperstress, operation, pregnancy, rapid weight loss, medicine usage, etc. To be sure about the reason, consult with your doctor.

Dermatological Diseases

Dermatological or internal diseases are also the reason for this problem. Skin-oriented problems are generally; psoriasis, eczema, acne, lichen planus (LP), over-oiled skin, and fungus. When the main disease is treated, hair the falling problem will also be solved.

Psychological Reasons

Hyper-stress is sometimes the main reason for hair problems as in any other disease. Depression, anxiety, psychosis, and also with their treatment may cause hair fall.

Hair is a live organ that you need to observe and solve if there is any problem that may affect your life. As mentioned before, it may be the symptom of another disease or may cause esthetical problems.

If you like to have more information you can visit our hair transplant page and fill out the contact form.