Lens Implantation

Multifocal Lenses in Turkey

Multifocal Lenses in Turkey

What are Multifocal Lenses?

Multifocal lenses are implanted through a small incision at the edge of the cornea. In this way, it allows you to see far and near clearly. These lenses have several focal points. This naturally means that all daily activities after refractive lens replacement can be performed without glasses, as several spectra are covered. It should be clear from what distance the vision without glasses is aimed. However, which activities are carried out should be discussed first. Accordingly, it should be decided whether the multifocal lens is sufficient or not.

The UV filter prevents damage to the eye. However, it provides additional protection against harmful effects for the retina. But above all, it provides a better contrast sensation in some cases.

Which patients choose this lens?

Multifocal lenses are lenses produced to correct more than one vision disorder. They are used to correct problems such as hyperopia, that is, nearsightedness, myopia, i.e. short-sightedness, and age-related presbyopia. Presbyopia is called near vision disorders. It is not a visual defect, it occurs due to the gradual hardening of the lens of the eye with age. It usually begins to occur after the age of 40, becomes permanent at the age of 60 and there is no progression.

Presbyopia is very easy to notice. As time goes by, it is difficult to see closely, in short, presbyopia is an eye problem that affects everyone who reaches the age of 40-45. At this point, nearby objects begin to appear blurry. You may need to extend your arms beyond your eyes to see the book you are reading clearly. Of course, there is a limit to extending your arms.

Advantages Multifocal lenses

Multifocal lenses provide many advantages. These usually include the following advantages:

  • Better visibility acuity at various distances, from distance to near,
  • The transition between degrees is less sharp,
  • The ability to see in many conditions without the need for extra glasses can be counted.

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Disadvantages Multifocal lenses

Some disadvantages of these lenses include:

  • It can be difficult to get used to due to the different vision experience.
  • During the acclimation phase, there may be a problem of night glare and misty or shaded vision.
  • They are more expensive due to the complexity in their design.

Before multifocal lenses operation

After deciding to perform this procedure, we recommend that you do not drink alcohol or cigarettes until the day of the operation. However, if you are taking blood thinners, you need to stop using these medications. You should inform your doctor about your medicine. Women should not wear eye makeup when coming to the operation. On the morning of the operation, you can have a breakfast that will not disturb your digestive system. You do not need to starve because the operation is not performed under general anesthesia.

After multifocal lenses operation

After multifocal lens surgery, patients are discharged during the day. However, there are some elements to be considered after installing a smart lens. We can list them as follows:

  • When you return home after surgery, you should lie on your back for 1-2 hours.
  • It is useful to wear continuous eye protection caps for the first two days after the lens is attached. When you go out in the days after the first 2 days, you can use sunglasses as a protector.
  • You should not lean forward and lift heavy unless necessary.
  • If you have pain, you can use pain medications other than aspirin.
  • It is very normal to have a feeling of stinging and discomfort after surgery. In such cases, you should not rub your eyes.
  • The first days you can see blurred. You should continue to use the drops prescribed by your doctor.

Multifocal Lenses in Turkey Process



Duration of treatment

15 Minutes

Stay in Istanbul

4 Days

Socially acceptable

1 Day

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Application Process

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Free Consultation

After completing the form, our expert health consultants will contact you as soon as possible.

Send a Photo

Our expert health consultants will ask for your photos to show to the doctor.


After examining the photos, your doctor will decide whether you are suitable for the operation and your operation process will be planned.

Multifocal Lens in Turkey FAQ

If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

You can return to your country after the multifocal lens operation. But it would be better to stay here for two or three days for the risk of developing a complication. After a day, if everything is in order, you can return to your country.

You need to be here on the day of the operation. You do not need to arrive a few days before the operation. But if you have planned a tour here, you can arrive earlier.

Multifocal IOLs reduce your need for reading glasses after cataract surgery. These implanted lenses expand your visual range. This way you can see clearly in near and far places without additional glasses.

Bifocal contact lenses are designed with a specific line between the degree of near vision and the degree of distance vision. You can move back and forth between zones, just like you do with bifocal glasses. In multifocal lenses there is a gradual transition between far and near.

Newer multifocal lenses are better than older diffraction lenses in terms of near vision, vision quality, and the risk of halos. These lenses, however, have statistically significantly better results than refractive lenses.

Some disadvantages of these lenses include: It can be difficult to get used to due to the different vision experience, during the acclimation phase, there may be a problem of night glare and misty or shaded vision, and they are more expensive due to the complexity in their design.

If someone has an ocular comorbidity in their eye, it is not suitable for a multifocal IOL. In general, this means that 50% of patients are not eligible.

There is no clear answer to this question. Because prices vary depending on some reasons. These are usually the brand of lens used, your doctor’s experience, and the quality of the clinic.

It is possible that you will see “Ghost images” or double the images after the operation. This usually happens because you are wearing the lenses for the first time. However, sometimes there is a problem of contrast sensitivity when wearing multifocal lenses. Some people may read the line 20/20. However, they may not see “clearly” when doing so.

The type of artificial lens implant used is not considered. For this reason, you should always expect your vision in the surgical eye to be temporarily blurred during the first week after surgery. Most patients wait about a month to get new prescription glasses after cataract surgery.

In most cases, these lenses are used to treat cataracts. However, multifocal lenses can also be used outside of cataract surgery. If you are over the age of 45 and want to correct your myopia, hyperopia or presbyopia, this treatment is a permanent and definitive treatment for you.

Monofocal lenses provide focus at just one distance. But multifocal lenses allow vision at various distances. They can correct both close, medium and long distance. These also eliminate the dependence on glasses. Therefore, it is a more popular option for those who do not want to wear glasses.