The reason for the oily hair is the excess oil secretion in the scalp. So, why does the scalp increase oil secretion? During the periods when hormones gain speed, pregnancy, hormonal disorders, and adolescence because the hormones work fast, excessive lubrication occurs on the scalp. Your excessively spicy, unbalanced diet and stress can also cause an increase in oil secretions.
Since an oily scalp will help it to hold, grow and hold healthy when you take care of it with discipline and the correct products, the quality and density of your hair will increase.
If your hair has a healthy structure and suddenly started to become oily, please have a blood test. Maybe it’s a precursor to a problem.
What Should Oily-Haired People Use?
The secretion problem of the hair is suppressed with products containing clay, juniper, lemon, tar, green tea, nettle, rosemary, sage, and lavender. As the oil secretion returns to normal, the scalp begins to breathe and the hair gains a healthier stance.
What Will You Pay Attention to in Care?
- Shampoo for oily hair should not contain harsh scraping ingredients
- No excessive massage. Gently lather and wash the “hair” with your fingers, not the scalp.
- Wash off by applying conditioner only from the middle of the hair to the ends, without applying it to the scalp.
- Use conditioners made for your hair type.
- Once or twice a week, apply one of the clay hair masks that soothe the scalp.
- Do not dry the hair with a hot blow dryer. It triggers oil secretions.
- Tonics are effective products for the care of the scalp. Its use without interruption gives satisfactory results.
What to do with Oily Hair, Dandruff, and Red, Dry, and Itchy Scalp?
The same care is needed to apply to “both oily and dandruff” hair. Make sure that the shampoo you choose contains herbal ingredients that soothe the scalp and balance oil secretion, not harsh chemicals or removers. Calm the scalp with anti-dandruff hair masks.
“If you have oily hair and itching and dandruff at the bottom of the hair”, the reason may also be genetic disorders, eczema, psoriasis, microbial diseases, or scalp fungi. Do not hesitate to see a dermatologist. In these types of problems, hair loss also accelerates and you will feel sorry later. Diagnosis should be made and the product should be selected.
“If your hair is oily, has dandruff, and has rashes on the scalp”, there is an allergic reaction, eczema, or inflammation that occurs in a microbial state. Do not make choices without consulting a trichologist and dermatologist.
When choosing hair dyes, you should choose products that are not allergenic. Do whatever it takes to remove “chemicals” and “stress” from your life! Surely the problem will be reduced by half.
Oily Hair and Transplantation
Having a very dry or very oily scalp affects our daily life. People with very dry scalps may suffer from dandruff problems, while those with oily scalps may be bothered by the appearance of oily hair.
However, having a very dry or very oily scalp does not adversely affect the result of hair transplantation. If you need more information, feel free to contact us!