Plastic Surgery

Breast Lift in Turkey

Breast Lift in Turkey

Welcome to Erdem Clinic, your trusted choice for achieving a beautifully rejuvenated silhouette with our expert breast lift (mastopexy) procedures. Our clinic is renowned for providing exceptional breast uplift services in Turkey, combining advanced surgical techniques with personalised patient care.

With our expert team, state-of-the-art facilities, and commitment to excellence, we're here to guide you towards achieving the uplifted, youthful bust line you desire. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step on your journey to a more confident, radiant you.

What is Breast Lift in Turkey?

A breast lift, similar in technique to breast reduction surgery, addresses the issue of drooping breasts, which, despite their sagging appearance, do not necessarily require tissue removal due to being of normal size or having diminished volume.

The loss of breast volume can result from factors like weight loss, breastfeeding, or the natural aging process. Through breast lift surgery in Turkey, it's possible to rejuvenate sagging breasts, restoring their former perkiness and shape. In instances where the breast lacks adequate volume, a simple augmentation may not address the sagging effectively. This is where a combined approach of breast lifting and augmentation comes into play, removing the sag while enhancing volume for a fuller appearance.

During a boob lift procedure, the process involves the meticulous removal of stretched, excess skin, resizing the areola to a more proportionate diameter, and repositioning the nipple to achieve an aesthetically pleasing, natural-looking contour. This comprehensive approach ensures that your breasts not only gain a lifted, more youthful appearance but also align harmoniously with your body’s overall silhouette, marking Erdem Clinic as a top choice for breast lift and enhancement in Turkey.

Preparing for a Breast Lift in Turkey

Before Your Breast Lift Surgery:

Prior to undergoing a breast lift, also known as a boob lift in Turkey, it is crucial to have a thorough consultation with your surgeon. Here's what to expect during the pre-operative phase:

  • Initial Consultation: This first meeting is key to ensuring your concerns are heard and expectations are realistically set. It is vital that you and your surgeon are on the same page regarding the outcomes you desire.
  • Physical Examination: Your surgeon will conduct a detailed assessment of your breasts. This includes taking measurements and evaluating factors like skin condition, age, and the natural shape and size of your breasts, which all influence the approach to your breast lift.
  • Medical Assessments: Depending on your age and family medical history, a mammogram might be necessary to ensure there are no underlying conditions that could affect the surgery.
  • Pre-Surgery Instructions: You will receive specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including dietary guidelines, smoking cessation, and managing medications and vitamins that may affect the surgery outcome.

After Your Breast Lift Surgery:

Post-operative care is crucial for ensuring the success of your breast lift surgery. Here’s how to manage your recovery:

  • Follow Recovery Guidelines: Adhering to your surgeon’s recovery tips is essential. This includes care instructions from the day before your surgery until six weeks post-operation.
  • Recovery Process: Manage your recovery by paying close attention to your attire, diet, and activity levels. Avoid strenuous exercises and follow dietary recommendations to aid healing.
  • Recovery Timeline: Keeping a recovery timeline guide in a visible place can be helpful. This will remind you of what to expect during each phase of the healing process.
  • Customised Care: It’s important to tailor your recovery plan according to the specific advice given by your surgeon, considering your unique health profile and the specifics of your breast lift procedure.

Opting for a breast lift in Turkey not only ensures access to experienced and highly skilled surgeons but also state-of-the-art medical facilities. By carefully preparing for and managing your recovery from a boob lift in Turkey, you can achieve the aesthetic results you desire with a smooth and effective healing process.

Healing Stages After a Breast Lift in Turkey

Undergoing a breast lift, or boob lift, in Turkey involves several stages of healing. Each stage is crucial for achieving the best results and ensuring a smooth recovery. Here’s what to expect during each phase:

Pre-Surgery Preparation:

  • Two Weeks Before Surgery: It is imperative to quit smoking and avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, herbal supplements, and any medications that might increase bleeding risk. This preparation minimises complications and ensures a safer surgical procedure.
  • Day Before Surgery: Confirm your surgery details, arrange transportation, and fill your prescriptions. Abstain from food and drink for 12 hours before your surgery to prepare for anaesthesia.

Immediate Post-Op Recovery (0-3 Days):

  • First 72 Hours: Post-surgery, you might experience mild to moderate pain, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication. Nausea from anaesthesia is common but usually subsides quickly. Surgical dressings and drains are typically managed by your surgeon and are crucial for preventing infections and aiding in the initial healing phase.
  • Activity: Limited movement is advised immediately following surgery, but walking short distances is encouraged to promote blood circulation.

First Two Weeks:

  • Initial Recovery: You will continue to wear surgical bras and possibly compression bandages to support healing. It's normal to have some swelling and bruising, which should gradually improve. Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting during this period.

One Month Post-Surgery:

  • Continued Healing: Most patients start to feel much better and can begin to return to normal activities. Continue to avoid exercises that strain the chest or upper body to allow the incisions to heal properly.

Six Weeks and Beyond:

  • Full Recovery: By the six-week mark, most swelling and bruising should have subsided, and you can usually resume all types of physical activities, including exercises that involve the chest. The scars will continue to mature and fade over the next several months to a year.

Long-term Care:

  • Scarring and Sensitivity: Manage scars with recommended treatments and follow your surgeon's advice on minimising their appearance. Nipple sensitivity or numbness should gradually return to normal.

Personalised Follow-Up Care:

  • Follow-Up Visits: Regular appointments with your surgeon in Turkey are essential to monitor your progress and address any concerns during your recovery. Follow all personalised advice given by your healthcare provider to optimise your healing process.

By understanding and preparing for each stage of the healing process after a breast lift in Turkey, you can help ensure the most effective recovery and the best possible outcome for your breast uplift procedure.

Get Started With The Breast Lift Experts In Turkey

Elevate your confidence and embrace a renewed sense of self with a transformative breast lift at Erdem Clinic, the leading destination for breast uplift procedures in Turkey. Our expert team is dedicated to restoring the beauty and vitality of your silhouette, offering personalised solutions that include both breast lift and augmentation to meet your specific needs. 

Whether you're looking to rejuvenate your figure after life’s natural changes or seeking enhancement for a more voluptuous look, trust Erdem Clinic to deliver exceptional results. Embark on your journey to a more confident you with the best boob lift Turkey has to offer, where your satisfaction and beauty are our highest priority.

Breast Lift in Turkey



Duration of treatment

2-4 Hours

Stay in Istanbul

7 Days

Socially acceptable

10+ Days

Breast Lift Cost in Turkey

All inclusive package
  • Free consultation
  • 5 nights in a 5 star hotel in Istanbul
  • Pre/post-operative testing
  • Cost for laboratory
  • Medication and Equipment
  • All round VIP transfer
  • 7/24 Support
  • Assistants speak English
Terms & Conditions

Australian Credit License number 509691
Speak to TLC direct for a quote based on your personal circumstances and for the full terms and conditions.
A full credit and financial assessment would need to be completed prior to acceptance of any offer or product.

Payment Plans Now Available with TLC

Breast Lift From $50 per week*

Request Information
First name is required!
Email is required!
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Without country code
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According to your own country's time.
Multiple Operations

Application Process

Complete the Form

To contact us, you need to fill out the form first.

Free Consultation

After completing the form, our expert health consultants will contact you as soon as possible.

Send a Photo

Our expert health consultants will ask for your photos to show to the doctor.


After examining the photos, your doctor will decide whether you are suitable for the operation and your operation process will be planned.

Breast Lift in Turkey FAQ

If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

It is important to be in Istanbul a few days before the operation. By this way, you can have all your examinations at once and mentally prepare yourself for the procedure.


Your recovery will take 3 to 7 days after the surgery. So at least making a 7-days-planned trip is a must.  After 2 days of your operation, you can take a tour around Istanbul.


There will be moderate pain. But right after the operation, you will begin to use medication to ease the pain.


A surgical or medical bra will be needed for about 2 weeks after the surgery.


You will need to wear loose clothing after the operation. You need to not move your arms up.


  • Have a lab test or medical evaluation performed.
  • Take particular medications or adjust the dosage of those you already take.
  • To assist identify any potential changes in your breast tissue, get a baseline mammogram before surgery and another one thereafter.
  • Give up smoking.

After the operation, you must not take a shower for 48 hours. After 48 hours it would be better to wash just under your waist. When your drains are out, it is again important not to get a shower for 48 hours.


For about 10 days, you should not lift your arms, do sports, or carry anything heavy.


After six months, you can go braless!


You need to sleep on your back, wear your medical bra, and avoid sleeping on your tummy or face.


Both normal general anesthesia, where a breathing tube must be placed in the patient, and sedation combined with local anesthesia can be used to do breast surgery successfully.


There will be a small amount of bleeding after the breast lift. But your dressing will be changed every day.